Friday, July 16, 2010

The One With Acceptance

Dear Readers,

I realize I have not written in a month and on the off chance that someone still reads this I figured I would add to it. And I will try to do so more now that I have passed my emotional stage of this summer.

When I look at my life this summer I cannot believe the changed that have occurred. I think about how sad I was back in May. I don't know that I can say I was depressed but my life was devoid of meaning. I was walking through a fog. I did not have much to smile about and I was zapped of my usual optimism. I went on the vacation where I was supposed to get engaged. I broke down a few times and cried quietly in the bathroom. My girl friend accompanied my family. (And that is a girl that is just a friend. I haven't changed my preference!)I have continued with my job here and later today is one of the final obligations I have to fulfill for the summer. I have a few weeks left here but when I sit back and think about what day it is I cannot believe I made it this far. I am so proud and so happy with my life right now. When I got back from vacation it was like the true grieving process was over.

I think this is the stage they call "acceptance." I have accepted what is going on in my life. I accept that for now, I am alone. I accept that I have lost some friends this summer. I accept that only certain people will always care enough to check on me. I accept that I am only human. I accept that I made mistakes and so did Brian. I accept that I am still in love. I accept that I am a work in progress.

How patient do I have to be?

-Katie Starlet