Thursday, June 17, 2010

The One With a Flicker of Hope

Dear Readers,

Yesterday someone told me, "I will forgive you." Those words changed my life. What is better than forgiveness? Someone is allowing you to have another chance. They are accepting the past and moving forward. Well, that's how I view it. I hope that is what is means.

Life is improving, SLOWLY but surely. All I can do is see what I've done and pick up the pieces and salvage what's left. I don't understand everything right now but I can't stop life. The world will keep turning whether I have a broken heart or not. So as Morgan Freeman says in "Shawshank Redemption," "Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'." I choose life.

Today, I laughed a lot. I cried just like every other day but I also laughed. I decided for once, to finish the day with laughter though instead of tears. I am reading a hilarious book and I am literally laughing out loud. I love when that happens.

Tomorrow will bring worries of it's own but as Katie Scarlet O'Hara says, "I'll think about that tomorra."

Even though there have been tears and mistakes can we try it again...please?

-Katie Starlet

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