Thursday, June 10, 2010

The One with June 10th

Dear Readers,

Woke up, wished that I was dead, with an achin' in my head, thought of you, and where you'd gone, and the world spins madly on. -The Weepies

My favorite Co-RA contacted me today, Liz talked to me for an hour and half, Rachel e-mailed, my Dad listened to me cry, Amanda sincerely cared, Kara sympathized with me and helped me make plans to begin again tomorrow, my co-workers distracted me, my mother e-mailed me, Brett liked my status, Brentie took me to get ice cream, Ashley sat with me, and God watched over me the entire day.

What hurts the most, was bein' so close, and havin' so much to say, and watchin' you walk away,

and never knowin' what couldv'e been, and not seein' that love in you, is what I was trying to do. -The Rascal Flatts

To err is human; to forgive, divine.

Did you really give up on me? Two months or three years? Anger or forgiveness?

-Katie Starlet

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