Monday, May 3, 2010

The One with Accomplistments

Dear Readers,

Today I fixed my printer. Now, this may sound like a very small accomplishment to you but it is not to me. My printer has been out of order for at least six months so to get it running again is a miracle. I was just fiddling with it and suddenly discovered the problem. And I did it all by myself!

I also went shoe shopping with my mom which always makes me happy. I feel bad having to sugar coat my life to my family sometimes though. They ask me if I'm doing okay and certain questions about some of the people in my life and lately, I have had to fib a little. But only a little. I don't want them to worry anymore than they already do.

I learned more about myself today. I learned that sometimes I rely too much on other people. Like if I want a soft drink or a magazine I would ask someone to go get it for me. This is also how I would get my printer fixed. There is nothing wrong with asking for help but today I learned that sometimes I can go without those things or I can fix them myself.

I have to stay positive because if I don't, I don't know what will happen. The weirdest part is that I haven't cried, really cried, in months. Have my tear ducts swollen shut? Where have all the tears gone?

-Katie Starlet

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