Saturday, May 15, 2010

The One with Progress

Dear Readers,

I helped with a wedding today and it was such a rewarding experience. I mean that sincerely in every way possible. I almost feel like this summer was meant to change my life. "They" say in college that you find yourself. And it seems like one day, without even realizing do.

The families of the bride and groom were some of the nicest people I have ever met. They were hospitable, funny, and supportive. Everything that happened today made me more and more grateful of what I have. The family primarily came from three different states but what was interesting was that more than 90% of the guests were from out of town or out of state! They traveled everything from two hours to sixteen! I can't even describe the amount of love within this family. I really wish I could get everything out now but quite frankly I'm tired.

What comes after self-discovery?


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