Sunday, May 9, 2010

The One with the Tea Party

Dear Readers,

I have started an internship and I am pretty sure I love it! More about that at a future date. So I'm terribly sorry I did not write yesterday. I am still without Internet access and I am having to have people transcribe what I say to them.

Today, I got to spend most of the day with my baby cousins. One of them is two and the other is four weeks old! I am so in love with them and they are not even my children. I would literally do anything for them! The 2-year old wanted to bake me cookies and then pulled out her play set which includes slice and bake cookies (that are held together with velcro) and oven mitts, an apron, and a chef's hat. Adorable, I know! She proceeds to feed me and then thinks up the idea to have a tea party. You can imagine my delight when she said this because when I was little I had a little pink tea set and I made everyone who came in the door have a tea party with me. I wasn't bossy, I just wanted to talk to everyone I could. I have always had a lot to say!

So four of us sat down to tea and it was a memory I know I will never forget. My older cousin, (their mother) is one of the best people I have ever known. She also happens to be one of my very best friends. She made us tea and strawberry shortcake with fresh strawberries and blueberries on top! It was exceptional!

While we were eating, I held the baby in my arms. I also got to hold her earlier for about an hour and rocked her in a chair. I even dozed a little myself! What a wonderful way to spend a Sunday! I already knew I wanted children but I am always amazed at how they continually make me grin from ear to ear. I love my babies more than life itself and I haven't even had them yet! I also have to thank my baby cousins for the happiness the provided in my life today in what would have otherwise been a very lonely and sad day.

What a gift from God. Not only that, but the mothers who raise them. I only hope that I can be a wonderful influence on my children someday. And while I am at it I may as well tell you that I love my mother. I respect her more than almost anyone. The things I get from her are my humor, my height, my people skills, my love for chocolate, and my perserverance. What wonderful gifts.

What women have made a difference in your life? And what is the impact you want to have on your children?

-Katie Starlet

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