Friday, May 14, 2010

The One with Hope

Dear Readers,

Today I experienced a glimmer of hope. I got two job interviews for next week and I am still waiting to hear back from a few places. I got to talk to my friend again. I think this is a good sign. I am excited to see what will happen next week. I am excited about giving him my masterpiece.

I am also starting to notice healthy changes in myself because of all of this. So far in my internship, I have been EARLY to every single event! Today I was 45 minutes early! I also got to visit a bookstore today which is one of my favorite places on earth. I was able to drive along many country roads and saw beautiful horses. I rolled down my window, felt the breeze and the sunshine on my face, and slowly, I am starting to have hope.

But where do I go from here?

-Katie Starlet

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