Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The One with a Little Bit of Progress

Dear Readers,

Today, we made progress. First, I went on the hunt for jobs. I applied three places, (that was an adventure in itself) and I have even more places to apply at tomorrow. I got to run some errands and went to a meeting for my internship. And I got to watch GLEE! And last night, I caught up on many missed weeks of Grey's and Private Practice. AMAZING!

But the best part of my entire day was the call I got from my friend...sigh. I can't believe he called me. I would like to apologize to the three or so people who continually read this blog. I realize that I am mushy and sappy all over the place but I am doing it for a very important reason. I am in love but in order to get him back I must prove my love. So that is what I am trying to do.

I also must say this. Tonight, I am typing this post in my room at my desk with minimal lighting and I have FRIENDS playing softly in the background. I feel so Carrie Bradshaw. By they way, can we talk about all the movies I have to see this summer that I will be going to ALONE!? They are as follows: Iron Man 2, Sex and the City 2, Letters to Juliet, Eclipse, The Killers, The Back-Up Plan, Date Night, and more. Seriously...sad. But I will find a way to afford them and I will bring pepper spray. Well, I will let you all know how my week continues and soon I will update you on the birthday surprise I have been working on.

How far would you go for love? And what if they said...no?

-Katie Starlet

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