Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The One with the Blessing of Friendship

Dear Readers,

Today was so pleasant. I think that is the perfect word for it. I have been going through a lot lately as you well know but it is so nice to be surrounded by people I love. My day started in the wee hours of the morning while visiting my brother. I got to talk to him for hours and just laugh. I stayed up all night until I finally passed out for three hours.

Then I got to eat lunch with one of my girlfriends. We had such a good time. We stayed at the restaurant for two hours and I wonder why I didn't visit with her regularly all semester. Immediately following that rendezvous I met up with another girlfriend and I got to see her new house. I was very impressed with all the work she has put into painting the house and gardening. I can't wait until I get the opportunity to fix up a home.

Believe it or not that was not even half of my day. I went to my friend's house to deliver a card and got to visit with him for a while and watch some soccer. The last stop of my day was to deliver a wedding present to a friend because unfortunately I have to miss her wedding.

After all of my journeys today I am reminded what a blessing it is to have friends. I have found friends in the most interesting ways. I have found the friends I have needed most in the most unexpected situations. What is even better is that I have an over-abundance of friends. I am not bragging about this and I am certainly not complaining; I am just grateful to have people I can go to about any situation. Today I feel loved and supported. I only hope that I am as good to them as they are to me.

What do you think? What makes a friend?

-Katie Starlet

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