Thursday, April 15, 2010

The One at the Beginning

Dear Reader,

I am actually going to try to stick to this. I am good at sticking to things once I set my mind to it but it can become difficult due to time constraints. I will try and keep this short and sweet because I also have a tendency to talk a lot! First of all, I wish to name each post starting with "The One..." which is a tribute to my favorite show in the world...FRIENDS! Here goes...

Today was beautiful day outside. I enjoyed as much of it as I could. I also got to go shopping and I got an interview for a job tomorrow! I am going to write a paper tonight; my fourth paper this week! That's right...FOUR! Being an English major does mean I can expect to read and write a lot but that doesn't mean good writing comes naturally to me.

I must write my paper so I shall pose this question (without copying too much, I would like to preface this by saying that I would like to end each entry with a question just like Carrie Bradshaw. Judge me if you want.)

Why are people weird? I know this is an unanswerable question but seriously what is up with people? And how do they find me?

-Katie Starlet

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