Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The One with Importance

Dear Readers,

I will keep this short and sweet. Today in one of my English classes we talked about the importance of language. One of the books we are reading is actually a collection of essays. While discussing this particular essay today, we came to the conclusion that language is a necessary part of our nation. This may sound obvious but it sounded so profound to me. Our professor said, "Our world is accessible to us because of language." I loved that. And it helps me think of a response to all the haters.

So many people ask me how English is important to my life and what I am going to do with it. You know what I say?..."Um, excuse me. What language do we speak in this country?" I mean in a world where English is such a crucial language, how could I NOT find work?

Maybe I am just an eternal optimist. But here is what I think. Why does our major in college have to mean something? Shouldn't we just be more focused on going out and making a difference in the world?

-Katie Starlet

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