Monday, April 19, 2010

The One with all the Angst

Dear Readers,

I am watching Sex and the City again. What else? I am having the worst day today. I have decided that I am just going to be angry and overwhelmed until the end of the year. I don't like being that way or seen as a pessimist but that is just the way I feel today. Actually the word that immediately comes to mind is dejected. I feel dejected. Like a failure. First a car wreck, then I bomb my portfolio, and everything has just been downhill ever since.

I wish I could tell you all the terrible things that have happened but you would get bored and it would take up 14 pages! Today, I am freaking about my grades and school in general. I don't want to be a college dropout. And I know I should not whine so much. People are starving and dying all over the world but everything is just so hard. I know I sound so whiny and pathetic. I wish I had better news to report but sadly today, I don't.

On the bright side, despite feeling like a failure, I have actually been quite productive today. But I wonder...will I ever be able to stop and take a breather?

-Katie Starlet

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