Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The One with the Sunshine

Dear Readers,

All six of you. Yay! Hello. Today was a much better day than yesterday and it is only five! I am in the process of fixing my insurance business for the wreck. My car is SOL but she's a soldier and will be fine for a few more years I would say.

I am almost done with classes and I am trying to be as productive as I can be every moment of the day so I can avoid a stress overload next week.

I had a picnic at lunch with some friends and read outside on a bench after class. It was lovely. I have realized that even though I have my bad days, the good ones often outweigh the bad. I have one friend who just found out she can't have children and another friend that is now unable to go to nursing school after two very hard years of work. I can't really complain. I am alive and well. I have friends and occasionally get some sleep. And today, I get to enjoy the sunshine.

I have noticed lately that when the sun is out in the morning I am much more likely to have a good day. I also know that when I dress up I feel better about myself. And exercise makes me feel like a beast (endorphins and all that you know.) So if these things are true and if everyone dressed up each day and found time to exercise and if we could control the weather, would our world be different?

-Katie Starlet

1 comment:

  1. Dear Katie Starlet,
    I just want to comment first on all of your posts as a whole and say how awesome they are. You have some very profound and inspirational thoughts and you definately prove that you have a way with words. As for the One with Importance I think it is one more people need to read and take to heart because you are right it is making a difference in the world that matters, not just doing something that looks good on paper. Keep up the good work I'm so proud of you.
