Saturday, April 17, 2010

The One with the Wreck

Dear Readers,

Got in my first car wreck today. I don't want to disclose much information about it except to say that I am okay and the thought of disappointing my family is consuming my every thought.

However, I did Race for the Cure this morning and I did feel quite a sense of accomplishment. I went with some of my good girlfriends and they really cheered me up.

I just want to go to sleep and wake up and have every problem in the world fixed, or at least my world. I know that makes me sound self-absorbed. And I know that is wishful thinking but I feel like lately I am in a constant state of being overwhelmed. Do you ever feel that way? I am sure everyone does at some point.

Tom Petty once said, "It'll all work out." But my question is will it? Will it really all work out?"

-Katie Starlet

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