Thursday, April 29, 2010

The One with Disappointment

Dear Readers,

I don't want to broadcast too much to the world because a few people actually read this. Anyway I am so disappointed in myself today. Do you ever have days like that? I did terribly on a final and I have to retake a class. I would say "I don't want to talk about it," but clearly I am talking about it here.

What disappoints me the most is the fact that there were some classes I missed because I simply slept through my alarm. I just feel dumb when stuff like that happens. I mean that was something I could easily have avoided. Arrggghh!

And I am not stupid which is what upsets me the most. I am intelligent and I actually like school. I love learning, I love discussions in classes, and especially new school supplies. Professors don't typically scare me and I get along with my peers. I think all of these qualities are beneficial but unfortunately they don't grade you based on personality.

So today, I am sorry to report I have no good advice and I don't really have much pep to my step. I am sure my day will improve though. I get to spend time with friends tonight. There is always next year to improve right?

-Katie Starlet

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