Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The One with all the Wishes

Dear Readers,

Hello. It is a beautiful day outside and I am feeling very optimistic about my life. I love days like these.

I had lunch with my Dad today. We have a nice relationship. I don't know how it came up but it got me thinking about wishes. My parents have been married for almost 25 years and I am so fortunate that I have had them all of my life. I have never had to question what is most important to them in my life; I already know it is my brother and I.

I started thinking about wishes. I have a pile of wishes. Typically I wish for the same types of things and usually they are somewhat attainable. I feel they are realistic goals but I will need a little bit of luck to reach them. Anyway I started thinking about the wishes other people have. I feel it would be a very intimate thing to hear everyone else's wishes.

I imagine some people, like my parents, would wish for my brother and I to have extremely happy and fulfilling lives. That is selfless and thoughtful, just like my parents are. I think some people probably dream of owning a home, or traveling, or even just for a meal. Just an interesting thought I had. And if I can, I hope to help make other people's wishes come true.

So tell me, what are the things you wish for most in life?

-Katie Starlet


  1. I wish for money for grad school. :(

  2. Thank you for your comment Linds. I can't stand money! Maybe I will blog about it soon. Love!
