Sunday, April 18, 2010

The One with all the Banquets

Dear Readers,

I now have four followers! Yay! Well today was a much better day than the last few days have been. I had several banquets to attend and I even won a few awards! Today felt rewarding both in my head and in my heart.

I spent the night with two of my very best friends after having a home-cooked meal that was TO DIE FOR! We fell asleep watching FRIENDS. I was able to talk about some personal problems that I have been struggling with lately and they put me at ease and as I drifted off to sleep I just felt that I was loved and supported by many people and I love that feeling!

Tonight, we also had a floor event that many people attended and I got to learn more about their lives. That is rewarding in itself but I also feel so fortunate that I have residents who participate. RA's are often laughed at or disrespected but I have not had to deal with that because I have been blessed with wonderful people on my floor.

I can't believe school is coming to a close so soon though. I have many friends that are graduating and everyone else just can't seem to get away fast enough. I have never understood that; I try to understand their mindset but I just can't. In a place where I am so independent and free how could I possibly want to leave? Not only that but eventually I will have to go out into "the real world."

You know what I have always found funny? My Dad always says, "Just wait until you get out in the real world." I am sure some people who are younger than me would immediately think he means the show on MTV but also I find it weird because I have to ask him, "Where have I been living until now? The fake world?" Maybe this is one of those situations where you have to be there but I find that a valid question. I know in reality he means that I will have to start paying all of my bills and move out on my own and cook and clean and work and find all of the motivation for that myself. Now that is a disconcerting thought!

These are the questions I will have to face soon enough. I'm not ready to yet. But really...are we ever ready to venture out into the "real world?"

-Katie Starlet

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