Saturday, April 24, 2010

The One Where We're Growing Up

Dear Readers,

Sorry about last night. I passed out! I had not slept in 48 hours! Also, since I tend to get distracted I don't really know the thought process I was going through last night and so I don't really know what else to say about yesterday. I will just continue with today's happenings.

Today, I helped my friends move into their very first home. It was just as exciting for me as it was for them. I appreciated the experience because someday a LONG time from now, I will move into my own home and I will need to know what to do. As the day progressed, many people, that I grew up, with came too and it was just so pleasant. We were able to sit and chat and the conversations were so different than what we used to talk about. We have progressed from driver's licenses and youth group to weddings, children, and careers. However, I did have everyone laughing at me. I was complaining about getting older but they are all slightly older than I am.

I loved the support everyone had for each other. I mean ten people showed up to help two people move in and start a new home together. It was so sweet. It just made me realize that I have so many friends who I truly believe would help me through those fun and exciting times in life.It is nice to know that I will have people who will love me and support me in my life. It gives me hope and a smile and I'm thankful.

And I wonder, am I a friend like that to others? Will I be there for the happy times in their life?

-Katie Starlet

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