Friday, April 16, 2010

The One with the Rude Comments

Dear Reader,

Hello followers! I now have three! So do you ever have one of those mornings where you wake up and you just know it is not going to be the day that you planned? Today is one of those days. I got to a class that I rarely get to, let alone get there before class starts, and a girl said to me "Well, look who decided to show up to class." Normally, being the person I am, I could have shrugged that off but I didn't. I said, "Thanks! That makes me feel a whole lot better about myself!" That shut her up. But instead of feeling better, I proceeded to worry about it for the rest of the class. I have yet to apologize to the girl but I imagine I will say something by the end of the day.

To make things worse, after the unbearably long lecture I felt like quitting school. Which brings me to another question: Do you ever feel like you bust your butt to get good grades and not only do you not get them, but people who actually do nothing are getting better grades than you? It is a hard truth to bare that life just isn't fair.

Later, I was sitting on some steps enjoying a few moments of sunshine, because at this point Vitamen D is the only thing that keeping me going, and my "friend" walks past and says, "Hey slut." Now, I know to some of you this may be a term of endearment but to me (the furthest thing from a slut) I am slightly insulted. To some of these people who insult me I think of the things I could call them..."Hey, borderline alcoholic!...Hey, never had a real job in your life girl/guy!...Hey Sir-Sleeps-Around-A-Lot!" I mean technically I could call them equally insulting names but I choose not to because what will that accomplish?

Anyway I am thoroughly distraught because it isn't even noon yet and there is a lot of day left to live where I can further be insulted. So now I am writing a paper, (yeah, the one I didn't finish yesterday) and drowning my sorrows with some milk and cookies and watching Sex and the City.

Ponder this...Is all of this hard work ever going to pay off? And what's up with everyone's attitude?

-Katie Starlet

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