Friday, April 30, 2010

The One with the Interference

Dear Readers,

"Mama said there'll be days like this..."

I am angry. I wanted to call this "The One with the Rage" but I will save that title for another day. I feel there are more of these days to come.

Last night I got yelled at by a lot of people. I can't share all the gory details with you because that is not really my information to tell. Have you ever been in a situation where your friends are trying to do right by you but they just end up upsetting you? I have. It is not just friends, some people get involved in my business who have nothing to do with the situation. I am just tired of it.

Half of my problems are created because I care way too much about what people will think. Why should I care? I don't know but I do. I think that can be a good quality though. I take other people's feelings into account. And those who know me think I talk about absolutely everything I am feeling but I don't always share all of the information. Well, I can't keep going. Otherwise, I will just be ranting for hours and no one wants to read that.

But I am just wondering...where is the line between helping a friend and hurting them?

-Katie Starlet

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