Sunday, April 25, 2010

The One with the Best Parents

Dear Readers,

Hello. So last night my Dad dropped off my "finals package" from them [my Mom and Dad]. I should give you a disclaimer, I am a crier and I am very sentimental but this was a whole other level.

They gave me an adorable striped shirt that is nautical (my favorite style). Then, they gave me some of my favorite snack foods. I also got two things for my favorite (stuffed) puppy. He is now wearing flip flops, khakis, an argyle sweater, and glasses. He looks intellectual and ready for finals week. They got me a movie and some bubbles for a study break. And my favorite item was a book about Shakespeare. Not to mention, a wonderful card. Now if I am not the most fortunate daughter in the world I don't know who is.

I am sure to finish strong this week with support like that. But it makes me wonder, one day, will I be able to reflect the wonderful qualities my parents have demonstrated for me?

-Katie Starlet

1 comment:

  1. Once again another great post! I am quite enjoying reading this blog on a daily basis you are an excellent writer and always have such uplifting and thought provoking words. Also, I know that you will reflect your parents well and will someday be the best mom in the world! ; )
